
Showing posts from March, 2017

How it Works

How it Works

LiceNil - Head Lice Treatment Natural Lice Killer

Home About Website Facebook Youtube Contact Lice-Nil, a product of Sujanil, was developed in India and made its way to the U.S. Using a chemical-free formula made up of neem oil, coconut oil, and tea-tree oils, Lice-Nil is a product that attacks lice naturally to destroy lice problems completely. Neem oil, an ingredient long-used in India, has come to the U.S. and is here to keep you and your family chemical-free, lice-free, and worry-free. Trusted by moms and recommended by medical professionals, Lice-Nil is a fast, natural lice treatment that provides lasting results in only 20 minutes. Best of all, unlike common chemical lice remedies, Lice-Nil targets both the lice and their eggs to prevent recurrences. Natural oil effectively removes even the most resistant lice The primary ingredient in Lice-Nil, neem extract, is a vegetable oil pressed from the seeds and fruits of the Azadirachta indica tree. This powerful lice remedy